07 February 2013


Chinese New Year Decoration Items

^ Chinese Knotting with Chinese Zodiac's theme. 

Lanterns made with cardboard.
^这个卡片制的灯笼随微风慢慢转动很优雅哦。第一次拼起这种 "入榫式" 的灯笼,才见识到没用上一根钉子的中国产品的威力。

^ Tissue papers' box in special design for Chinese New Year.


The collections of Red Packets / Ang Pau / Hong Bao / 利是封

^ Left : Qilin        Right : Crane

^ Guangzhou product, made in China. 从广州进口的红包袋。

^ This complete series comprises 6 red packets.
^ 连环画拼图式设计的红包袋。

^ Malaysian style Angry bird's red packets.

^ Malaysian Style Red Packets in official design, recieved from our Prime Minister Mr.Najib's facebook fans page. ^ 由首相纳吉 facebook 粉丝页送出的官方红包袋。

06 February 2013


贺年片 Chinese New Year's Greeting Cards

^ This type of design is so popular 20 years ago.
20 年前盛行的贺年卡款式。

^ Mainstream design, this type of CNY greeting card in red and gold color still very popular and good selling . 红色配金色的贺年卡很畅销,也是主流款式。

^ Typical greeting cards for businessman.

^ Bought from TESCO, greeting cards in shallow color.
在 TESCO 买的贺年卡,颜色比较清淡。

^ This one bought 2 years ago, Chinese Zodiac, The Year of Rabbit.

^ 10 years ago, the greeting card of Goat's Year.
^ Favorite design for students, and for friends and family too.

^ Greeting cards of The Strore supermarket.
^ The Store 环球购物中心赠送的贺年卡。

^ Greeting card in traditional and artistic design.

^ I Just bought this. 今年刚买的,应该是去年的设计,有 25% 折扣哦。

05 February 2013


Chinese New Year atmosphere at Central Market

During the holiday, I went to Central market for purchase some CNY decoration items, but found less Chinese New Year atmosphere here, and less CNY products selling here too. Central Market is a Plaza that selling local handicrafts and souvenirs.


^ Just found a shop that selling some CNY decoration items.

^ Pretty statues that selling in another shop.

^ Pretty statue. 精致可爱的陶像。

^ The little lantern is not really look like in Chinese style, but it is more look like in Taiwanese mix with Japanese style. 这个小灯笼怎么看都不像中国式,反而像台湾日本式的设计。

^ Pretty statues. 精致可爱的陶像。

^ Chinese paints that selling in Central market, but these paints are selling all year round here.

^Chinese New Year decorations at Central Market's Food Court.
Lucky Bamboo hanging with little lanterns.
^ 中央艺术坊美食中心里的新年摆设:

^ The arrangement to stick these Duilian(对联) are correct, but the location is not really right. DuiLian should stick at the both sides of main entrance ( door at frontage ) of a house or shop, anyway we understand that maybe this food court have no typical main entrance door, and the workers who make this are maybe not a Chinese, so that they stick it on the interior wall. 
^ 我的天呀,他们竟然把对联贴在餐室里的墙壁上,看来可能是找不到典型的大门,或是负责装饰工作的员工都不是华人吧。

^ Lanterns, not for sale, just CNY decorations that done by the Central Market management dept.

04 February 2013


话说年货行情一年比一年惨淡。不过,即使在生意不好之际,有些小贩似乎还不愁没生意似的。话说,星期天的晚上,我在安邦 Taman Cahaya 大圣堂对面的一个摊挡欲选购年柑。这里没有散卖的柑,必需一整箱买。起初,老板娘说:“有坏可以一粒换一粒的。”于是,我就检查看是否新鲜与货真价实。然而,看了几箱,都是每箱大概有一半的柑是已经熟透、变软绵绵了,还看到一粒柑已经一半发黑了。于是,我决定不买了,谁知道老板很大声说:“叫他自己种吧!”

