趁着周末与公共假日我也去吉隆坡茨厂街走了一回,此行有两个目的,尝试摄影,顺道也够买一些新年小饰物。说是 “尝试摄影”,因为根据以往的经验,大多数华人商家及市中心的店都不允许拍摄。但这次出行却颠覆了以往的灰色记忆。以往的记忆实在太糟,比如有一次去安邦九皇爷夜市,很多路边摊子都禁止拍摄,甚至有标注拍摄要收取 RM 5/= 不等的额外收费的荒唐事项。还记得当时心里是这么想,摊主给摄影者 RM5 还差不多,RM 5 还真的太少了,照片上载到网上,我们还为他们招徕不少外地游客与生意吧。
One of the shop that selling Chinese New Year decoration items at Chinatown, Petaling Street, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. Actually, for me the name of Chinatown and Petaling Street is enough funny, since it is different with the original name in Chinese, which dubbed Ci Chang Jie (茨厂街). And, secondly, 25 % populations in this country are Chinese, so that, Chinatown is not the only place to buy and see Chinese things, life and cultures. Of course the CNY decoration items selling at Chinatown are cheap, but for other goods, like counterfeit begs, perfumes, clothes are normally not selling in cheap price. Beside Chinatown, the local Chinese residents purchase CNY decoration items and clothes at shopping mall, morning market and night market too. Nowadays, the big stores named ZhongGuoFeng (中国风) located in some residential quarters are selling CNY decoration items in cheaper price too.
^ One of the shop that selling CNY decoration items is hanging a lots of lanterns at facade. This shop is selling Christmas decoration itens before Christmas, and selling other Chinese traditional goods such like wedding items in normal days.
^ Clouse-up shot to the lanterns in front of the shop.
^ Visitors take a photo at the frontage.
^ Inside the shop. 店内一角。
^ Another shop on the same street. 同一条街上的另一家店。
A caligrapher writting Chunlian (春联) in front of the shop. His hand writing ChunLian are more expensive than the printing ChunLian. ChunLian is one type of CNY decoration item too, we stick it at frontage of our house. In the old time before the printing goods become popular, most of the family handmade the ChunLian themselves. 这家店还有卖手工春联哦,不过价钱比印刷品贵一倍左右。
Various CNY decoration items that selling in the shop.
Various CNY decoration items that selling in the shop.
Various CNY decoration items that selling in the shop.
Various CNY decoration items that selling in the shop.
Various CNY decoration items that selling in the shop.
This ZouMa Lantern (走马灯笼) is beautiful but more expansive than the red lantern.
Goods selling in another shop.
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