中元节 / 盂兰盛会 / 七月十四 / 鬼节
Hungry Ghost Festival
Although the method of celebrate or worshipping in the Hungry Ghost Festival is a bit different in different region, but the purpose is same, this festival is for worshipping ghost, death encestors or pass away family members.
道教式的祭坛。 Altar in Taoism style
Everywhere is full with worshippers, paper-made statues, foods, incenses and candles for worship purpose. Recently the paper-made statues on the worshipping altar is still displaying there, all of the paper-made items will burned (mean send to hell) at the end of festival. 到处都是人潮,还有纸扎公仔以及用作拜祭鬼灵的食物与用品。
Taoism and Chinese community just have a lots of Deities, even I do not know the name of above Deity.
The items of offering to Deities and ghost are diversify, despite trational items like foods, paper-made costumes, paper-made cars, paper-made houses, now they offer the branded wine and some other things that bring for them wealth and lucky too.
Some of the paper-made statues, on the right is a statue with cow head (horn) and horse face, his work is to guard the ghost.
Items for offering the ghost, for Taoism they offering meats, rice, pastry and fruits, for Buddhism, they offering vegeterian. 各种祭祀时派上用场的食物。
Some of the organiser hold only Hungry Ghost Festival for Taoism, or hold only Yu Lan Festival for Buddhism, but this organiser of Kepong Metro Perdana is holding both Taoism style and Buddhism style under a shed. This Buddhism style altar is built side by side with the Taoism style altar ( show in the first photo).
Altar of Buddhism, they offering vegeterian.
Some of the Taoism Deities found in the Buddhism shed too.
Some other Taoism Deities.
Items of sacrificial offering for sale, variety type of paper money and joss papers are displaying in the boxes.
Beautiful embroidery, crane is wishing for good health and long life. 美丽的绣花。
Beautiful embroidery, Qi Lin is one of the animal in Chinese Legend.